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Setting Healthy Boundaries, Creating Meaningful Connections

September 30, 2022
Islamic Center of Frisco

Guided Hearts Institute in collaboration with the ICF Youth Committee presents a family event - “Setting Healthy Boundaries, Creating Meaningful Connections”.

“It is the Lord of Mercy who taught the Quran. He created man and taught him to communicate. The sun and the moon follow their calculated courses; the plants and the trees submit to His designs; He has raised up the sky. He has set the balance so that you may not exceed in the balance: weigh with justice and do not fall short in the balance.” [Surah Ar-Rahman, 1 – 10]

Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

However, many of us were NOT taught how to create boundaries. Often, as Muslims we focus so much on being generous, loving and selfless that we may forget we have our own limits and limitations.

In order to have healthy relationships in your life, it STARTS with HEALTHY BOUNDARIES. And healthy boundaries STARTS with valuing yourself.

We protect what we treasure.

In this seminar, through education and self-exploring worksheets, you, as a parent, and your high schooler, will learn how to equip yourself with the skills in order to help your child cultivate meaningful and healthy relationships in their lives - all while providing Quranic and Sunnah-based evidence with resources and tools that are paired with the latest research.

Simultaneous sessions for the entire family!

Boys Session with Sheikh Mubeen Kamani, Girls Session with Ustadha Sophia Khan and Parents Session with Ustadha Dunia Shuaib.

Please click on the "Register" button below.

RegisterRegister♥︎ Suggested Donation: $10
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