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Quranic Healing Retreat

November 8, 2022
Sunday, October 30th | 10am-7pm | Charlotte, NC

We all experience emotional wounds such as rejection, fear, loneliness, and loss. Yet, through every circumstance, we are never detached from our Merciful Creator ﷻ who sent us a book of guidance that helps us accept the gift of our humanity. The Quran is filled with countless stories of prophets and pious predecessors who faced such emotions, from the isolation of Maryam (RAA) in her pain and the fear of the mother of Prophet Musa letting go of her son, to the grief of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ amidst the loss of his loved ones. These stories pave the way for us to use our wounds as an avenue to Allah ﷻ  and we are taught how to find healing and solace in His words.

The skills you will learn at this retreat are based on scientific research, psychology, groundbreaking studies, and of course inspiration from the Quran and the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. In this all-day women’s retreat we will dive deep into the healing words of our Loving Lord ﷻ and derive ways to cultivate resilience and gain the emotional strength to continue our journey through life. Be a part of this unique space of healing, growth, and connection.

Join Ustadhas Dunia and Samia as they discuss the healing powers of the Quran to find inner peace in this life-changing retreat filled with sisterhood bonding, emotional healing, the remembrance of Allah ﷻ, fun activities, delicious foods, nasheed, duʿa, talk show, and more!

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